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【作者】宋瑞珍 醫師


‧美國內科醫師學會 會士

‧美國心臟學院、心臟協會 會士

‧心律協會 會士


宋瑞珍醫師 (Ruey J. Sung, MD)是坦福大學 (Stanford University) 和加州大學舊金山分校 (University of California at San Francisco) (UCSF) 心臟血管醫學名譽教授 (Emeritus Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine)。此前,他曾在坦福大學醫學中心,擔任”心臟電生理學和心律失常部”主任( Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Service)(1991-2001 年)。宋醫師畢業於國立台灣大學醫學院(1968 年),在威斯康星大學(University of Wisconsin) 完成了住院醫師( Medical Residency) 訓練(1970-72 年)。之後,任職邁阿密大學 (University of Miami) ,心臟血管醫學研究員 (Cardiology Fellow)(1972-74 年)。從那時起,他致力於臨床心臟電生理學(Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology) 的研究。 宋醫師最先定義了人類房室結 (Arioventricular Node)中,慢傳導通路(Slow Pathway) 相對於快傳導通路 (Fast Pathway) 的不同解剖位置(1981 年)。原理為導管消融(Catheter Ablation)治療房室結折返性心動過速(Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia)(人類陣發性室上性心動過速[Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia]最常見的形式)提供了解剖學上的基礎。隨後,他在臨床心臟電生理學實驗室(Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory)中,描述了三種不同形式(即折返性Re-entry、自動性Automaticity和触發活動Triggered Activity)室性心動過速(Ventricular Tachycardias)的動(Initiation)和終止(Termination)模式,以及它們對各種藥物的反應(1983 年、1988 年) 。1985 年,宋醫師晉升為加州大學舊金山分校醫學教授(1981-91)。1991 年,他被史坦福大學聘任為終身教授職 (Tenured Professor) 。2001年至2007年間,宋醫師返回台灣擔任國立成功大學醫學院院長兼大學副校長。過去40年多年來,他撰寫和合著了200 篇原創文章和66 篇關於心律失常機制和治療的特邀章節和專著,最終出版了一本題為“心律失常處理 的基本方法 (Fundamental Approaches to the Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias by Ruey J. Sung and Michael R. Lauer in 2000)”的書。他是心律基金會的創始人(Founders of the Heart Rhythm Society)之一,目前是美國科醫師學會(FACP)、美國心臟學院 (FACC)、美國心臟協會(FAHA)和心律協會(FHRS)的會

<<Ruey J. Sung‘s Stanford Profiles >>

ECG Cases

It illustrates my thinking process when I look at the ECG during my initial workup of the patient. I hope you find it helpful in taking care of your patients.

Inspirational images

It displays photographic images of art and the beauty of nature that resonate with positive thinking about life, encouraging medical students and young physicians never to give up pursuing their dreams. 

Unchartered Journey

It describes my unchartered academic career from becoming an internist, cardiologist, and clinical electrophysiologist to a medical educator in different stages before retirement.

ECG Cases

It illustrates my thinking process when I look at the ECG during my initial workup of the patient. I hope you find it helpful in taking care of your patients.

Inspirational images

It displays photographic images of art and the beauty of nature that resonate with positive thinking about life, encouraging medical students and young physicians never to give up pursuing their dreams. 

Unchartered Journey

It describes my unchartered academic career from becoming an internist, cardiologist, and clinical electrophysiologist to a medical educator in different stages before retirement.


If you have further questions or have interesting ECGs that you would like to share with us, please email me.